Place: Greenside bunker with area to land the ball on a green, if possible. Using a pitching green with a bunker is ideal, but you may also hit greenside bunker shots from a practice fairway bunker to a towel, alignment sticks, or bucket (to simulate a green). You do not need perfect conditions to play this game. Use your imagination and set up targets as close as possible to assigned distances.
Needed: Sand wedge, Towel, Alignment sticks, or a Bucket (for 3 targets), Practice balls
Skill Gained: Greenside bunker shots with varying degrees of difficulty.
Why? This is great bunker practice that simulates pressures of game day conditions faced in competition.
Game: Roll ball into the bunker. For an advanced version, throw the ball or give yourself more difficult lies. Mark 5-7 yards, 8-10 yards and 11-15 yards from the ball position in the bunker to the target. Hit 3 balls to each target, alternating targets with each shot, for a total of 9 shots. Change hole to add difficulty as you progress.
-1 point: Missing the green
1 point: Hitting the ball on the green
2 points: Hitting the ball inside 20 feet
3 points: Hitting the ball inside 9 feet
5 points: Sinking the shot in the hole
Example: Your shot finishes 8 feet from the hole. Score= 3 points.
Scoring Guide:
Junior Golfer: 5-9
College Golfer: 13-18
Tour Player: 25-29