Dreams Do Come True
I have read this article several times and keep it on my desk. I made it a goal to reach out to Coach Brian Hearn (now at Centre College) and recently spoke with him. I was not disappointed as he recounted the article and we shared our thoughts. Ironically, I have known Coach Brian Craig (U of Kentucky) for 25 years. We had the same instructor when he as a junior golfer and I was in college. Small World of Golf!
The journey of Coach Hearn and Evan Cox confirmed to me again that dreams do come true and sometimes they take different routes than we expect! Coach Hearn says, “Make the most of where you are and work hard because you never know what your future holds!”
Having been to several NJCAA events as well as D-II and D-III events this year, I have been impressed by the events they play as well as the passion of the coaches. They understand that sometimes you need a place and a little extra time to get to your goal.