Remember this quote by Zach Johnson about Jordan Spieth when asked about his secret grit test of athletes. “Stalking a putt for double bogey like the king-of-the-jungle and feeling like momentum is on your side?? Who does that? Well, Jordan Spieth…and every other junior, amateur and professional (and soon YOU!)…...
Knowing how to video and what to video can create a lot of angst. In this article, you will learn what to include and how to create a winning video that can be shared via text, email or shareable link to a free video platform storage service. Keeping things moving […]
What does it take to ‘Go Low’? Low has a different meaning for everyone. But, we can all continue to improve in many areas in and around our golf game. Golf requires a lot of mind and body control to shoot low scores. Most folks never reach their potential because […]
You have probably heard the saying, “Risk vs Reward”, from your coach, instructor or perhaps your parent. What does it mean? How do you know when to be aggressive and when to play a bit more conservative? This does not happen just on a reachable par 5. It happens on […]
Ready? ….Get Set Summer is fast approaching and events are filling. Where will you play this summer? Will coaches be there? Which coaches will be there? How do you know? Will2Golf knows. Our state of the art calendaring system will make your planning and the college coaches’ planning easy. Let…...
Prepare yourself for Competition Teach yourself to sink putts without fear 1. Use 1 ball 2. Putt 9 times from 4-12 feet around 1-3 practice holes with relatively flat, straight putts alternating distances. Level I Goal: Sink at least 5 putts while having the missed putts finish within the length […]
How do you prepare to play in front of a college coach? First, let’s get your thinking and perspective correct. Here is something that I hear over and over again… “I was playing great and then the coach showed up and I played terrible. I’ll never get recruited unless I […]
Business is Business …. A Tough Competition I had a friend (former college player and LPGA Tour player) play against her own daughter (college scholarship player at a major D-1 school) in a state golf championship. The mother won the hard fought competition. At the end, the daughter said, “Mom, […]
Is it Okay to get Nervous? Why is it okay for professional golfers to admit they get nervous and junior golfers deny that they are nervous? Is it because junior golfers are so on edge all of the time that they cannot feel the difference? Or is it because junior […]
I’m not sure which scores to show a coach. Should I list all of my scores or just my “good” ones? You should list the good, the bad and the ugly. When I coached, it was easy to tell the juniors who didn’t reveal all of the scores. I would […]