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Ask Will2Golf

Are You a Competitor? If you want to play high level collegiate golf and maybe beyond, you have to love competition. And I mean really love competition. You have to want to compete at everything from a paper toss into a trash can to a pitching contest with your friend. […]

How much should I play this fall? How much you play on the weekends during school is a personal preference. It is important that your school work is a priority. College coaches care about your scholastic aptitude. It shows discipline. If your high school golf is in the spring, then […]

Competition is a Good Thing Don’t shy away from competition. Better to learn now than later how to compete. Life is full of miniature competitions every day. When you feel stressed or nervous or uncomfortable, tell yourself that competition is a good thing. The stress will help you grow and […]

Should I play High School Golf? Summer golf is winding down. Many high school golf teams have already started practicing and or playing matches and tournaments. I have been asked by several parents, “Should my child continue to play high school golf?” Another question I get, “I heard college coaches […]

I am going to play in an event (during the college golf season) that is within 50 miles of several college golf programs that interest me. Should I write and/or call my schools of choice and ask them to come watch me play? It is a good idea to look […]

How Resilient are You? ….Golf requires a lot of it! First let’s start with a definition: (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. synonyms: strong, tough, hardy 2. (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, […]

FEAR ….False Experiences Appearing Real I was listening to a podcast on National Public Radio about fear. This study was an attempt to show whether things are real or just being set up to APPEAR real (think haunted house). Fear occurs when you move from the present (real) to the […]

Hit Your 2nd Shot First How many times have you dropped a second ball in practice and hit it better than your first ball? I hear folks say that my twin can play better than me. Well, why not let your twin play? Hit the first shot in your mind, […]

This is a great way to start your day upon arrival at the course or after a long wait on the tee during a competitive round. Before a round or after a long wait (due to a ruling or a back up on a par 5, etc) make sure you […]

Just when you think you are completely prepared for anything, you get a shot or situation that you have never experienced. Two important things to remember: 1. Always be prepared to expect the unexpected. This mindset will lower anxiety when you get into an unknown situation. 2. Golf […]