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Ask Will2Golf

Practice Hard, Play Easy Apply pressure in practice. When you make your games difficult and create stress during practice, two things happen: 1. You learn to handle pressure and build a Library of Confidence to draw upon when pressure occurs in competition. 2. You learn how to think on your […]

Dreams Do Come True I have read this article several times and keep it on my desk. I made it a goal to reach out to Coach Brian Hearn (now at Centre College) and recently spoke with him. I was not disappointed as he recounted the article and we shared […]

Why Practice? …or HOW to Prepare for Competition? How many times are you great at practice and poor in competition? Probably more than you would like. It is time to stop “practicing” and start having proper preparation for competition. Let’s think of it in terms of your classroom studies. Would you […]

While I was at an event recently, a junior golfer (2019) asked me, “What can I do to improve my chances of being recruited?” Great question and way to go for thinking forward! I am a big believer in being proactive vs reactive. Go for visits, read about the schools, […]

It is uncomfortable moving into arenas that are unknown to us, playing in front of a college coach, playing in the older age group, moving from junior golf to college golf, or even playing a more challenging golf course. When these uncomfortable situations present themselves, you have to draw on your […]

Traveling Over Spring Break? 1. Play a golf tournament. It is easy to set your travel distance and search for events near a destination. 2. Visit a college campus. You can drive through college campuses, set up an appointment with admissions, or maybe even meet a college coach. Note: Always phone ahead. If […]

Post Season Golf Who will qualify for the Division I NCAA Championships? This is what everyone plays for in college golf! I visited the Wolfpack Classic this past week and spoke with some coaches and players about their expectations and preparations for post season. They all agreed on one thing: This […]

Tip from the Tour From a Golf World article on recent Georgia Tech All-American and PGA Tour rookie, Ollie Schniederjans. GW: Given the current depth of talent, there’s such a thin line between competing on the weekend and missing the cut. From what you gathered, what separates the two? “All the little […]

During summer golf, many of you are in different places: Signed for college, verbally committed to college, fingers crossed for an offer soon, have no idea, just starting the college recruiting process or maybe just getting started with playing competitive golf. No matter where you are on the path, find some […]

I get this question at least once a week if not more. “My child can beat or did beat that other junior several times last year. How did they get recruited to that team?” The Answer: Every situation is different. You never know who might have known someone. It is possible that […]