College Coach
How to Schedule
February 4th, 2019This video was taken on 1/24/2019 at the PGA Show in Orlando, Florida. A panel of college coaches spoke on many different subjects during the session. This particular question was about Scheduling Tournaments. Enjoy!
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May 25th, 2018Ready? ….Get Set Summer is fast approaching and events are filling. Where will you play this summer? Will coaches be there? Which coaches will be there? How do you know? Will2Golf knows. Our state of the art calendaring system will make your planning and the college coaches’ planning easy. Let…...
Conversation with San Diego State University Women’s Golf Coach, Leslie Spalding
October 26th, 2017Maggie is joined by former LPGA Tour Player and San Diego State University Women’s Golf Coach, Leslie Spalding. Leslie is an experienced player who shares her knowledge and passion of playing the game. She understands the game through a player’s eyes and thoughts having played college golf at University of […]
How do you prepare to play in front of a college coach?
October 18th, 2017How do you prepare to play in front of a college coach? First, let’s get your thinking and perspective correct. Here is something that I hear over and over again… “I was playing great and then the coach showed up and I played terrible. I’ll never get recruited unless I […]
Conversation with Cathy Johnston-Forbes
October 5th, 2017Maggie has special guest and life-long friend, Cathy Johnston-Forbes, on the show. Cathy was an accomplished junior, amateur and professional player as well as Major Champion on the LPGA Tour. She currently teaches in the Kitty Hawk area at Kilmarlic Golf Club. Listen carefully as two southern-accented friends speak of […]
Should I list all of my scores or just my “good” ones?
September 29th, 2017I’m not sure which scores to show a coach. Should I list all of my scores or just my “good” ones? You should list the good, the bad and the ugly. When I coached, it was easy to tell the juniors who didn’t reveal all of the scores. I would […]
Should I play High School Golf?
September 6th, 2017Should I play High School Golf? Summer golf is winding down. Many high school golf teams have already started practicing and or playing matches and tournaments. I have been asked by several parents, “Should my child continue to play high school golf?” Another question I get, “I heard college coaches […]
Dreams Do Come True
August 22nd, 2017Dreams Do Come True I have read this article several times and keep it on my desk. I made it a goal to reach out to Coach Brian Hearn (now at Centre College) and recently spoke with him. I was not disappointed as he recounted the article and we shared […]
What can I do to improve my chances of being recruited?
July 30th, 2017While I was at an event recently, a junior golfer (2019) asked me, “What can I do to improve my chances of being recruited?” Great question and way to go for thinking forward! I am a big believer in being proactive vs reactive. Go for visits, read about the schools, […]
Why aren’t college coaches watching my child play and talking to them?
June 26th, 2017Nancy H. from North Carolina asks: Why aren’t college coaches watching my child play and talking to them? College coaches may not be watching you play for several reasons: First, coaches may not know where your child is playing. Sometimes a coach may receive an email from a prospective student-athlete […]