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College Visit

Set budgets. Higher education is expensive. Start planning now. Even if you do get academic and athletic money, there are still many costs associated with higher education. Find scholarships. There are many, many scholarships that can be combined with athletic and academic money. (Please consult the coach and school to…...

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Some Thoughts on College Visits Finding and choosing a college can be a challenging task. Here are some tips and some guidance on how to make the process go more smoothly and effectively for your family…. Start early. If your child is in upper school (grade 9 or higher), then…...

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Is it Okay to get Nervous? Why is it okay for professional golfers to admit they get nervous and junior golfers deny that they are nervous? Is it because junior golfers are so on edge all of the time that they cannot feel the difference? Or is it because junior […]

How much should I play this fall? How much you play on the weekends during school is a personal preference. It is important that your school work is a priority. College coaches care about your scholastic aptitude. It shows discipline. If your high school golf is in the spring, then […]

Traveling Over Spring Break? 1. Play a golf tournament. It is easy to set your travel distance and search for events near a destination. 2. Visit a college campus. You can drive through college campuses, set up an appointment with admissions, or maybe even meet a college coach. Note: Always phone ahead. If […]

Want to visit a college coach next week while you are out of school on spring break? Know before you go….. What is a dead period? During a dead period a college coach may not have face-to-face contact with college-bound student-athletes or their parents, and may not watch student-athletes compete or visit their…...

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Gary, from Illinois asks: When should we start visiting colleges? Start anytime. I would recommend driving through a campus or two when your teen is approaching 9th grade. Or, plan to stop for lunch and walk around. Many college cafeterias allow guests to pay and dine. Between 9th and 10th […]

I Want to Help …but not too much! If you are a parent of a junior golfer, your urge is to want to help. This is very natural. You are a parent. The beauty of golf is that the game will do a lot of the “help” for you. You […]

To Go or Not to Go ….That is the question First things first. It depends on your goals. There are many possible goals associated with attending a camp on a college campus. Here are a few: 1. I just want to have fun and get away for a week or […]

Before reading this article, you may want to read Should I go to Camp at a College. This article will help you in your decision making process. There are many, many camps to choose and for different reasons. Here are just a few that I would like to share with […]