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Golf Tips

I get this question at least once a week if not more. “My child can beat or did beat that other junior several times last year. How did they get recruited to that team?” The Answer: Every situation is different. You never know who might have known someone. It is possible that […]

Member News Recruiting is a two-way street …Call it crazy, but call them!   I’m sure every junior golfer thinks it is a bit crazy that a college coach would actually want to have a conversation with you on the phone. Don’t they know SnapChat is much easier? How about…...

This content is for Student Athlete and Trial - Student Athlete members only.
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As you learned in Recruiting is a Two-Way Street, here is the rest of the story: How to prepare for a phone or in person interview 1. Know the Schools. Start a notebook of colleges. Make 3 pages for each school: Academics, Athletics, Student life. At the bare minimum,…...

This content is for Student Athlete and Trial - Student Athlete members only.
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Have you ever gripped all the way to the bottom of the grip? Have you ever hit a shot with one hand on the shaft?

I Want to Lower my Stroke Average …..but HOW?   Short Game, Short Game, Short Game! You get IT done on and around the greens. (Ollie Schniederjans said it in the Golf World article–Will2Golf Member email 5/28/17) Turn your 80 into 75, turn your 75 into 70, etc., with strokes gained on […]

Listen to David Leadbetter interview Maggie on XM Radio’s Leadbetter’s Locker Room (1/20/2017). Maggie, David and Denis Watson talk about the launch of Will2Golf and how it is helping junior golfers and their families with scheduling and intersecting with college golf coaches.

How many times have you heard or thought this: “If I had not three-putted 4 times today, I would have shot 72.” Or this: “My three-putts are hurting my score.” Want a simple way to take fewer putts? Stop counting your three-putts. Stop giving them your attention! Three-putts are a […]