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Tournament Scheduling

Set budgets. Higher education is expensive. Start planning now. Even if you do get academic and athletic money, there are still many costs associated with higher education. Find scholarships. There are many, many scholarships that can be combined with athletic and academic money. (Please consult the coach and school to…...

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This video was taken on 1/24/2019 at the PGA Show in Orlando, Florida. A panel of college coaches spoke on many different subjects during the session. This particular question was about Scheduling Tournaments. Enjoy! --You must be a logged in registered user to view this video--

Ready? ….Get Set Summer is fast approaching and events are filling. Where will you play this summer? Will coaches be there? Which coaches will be there? How do you know? Will2Golf knows. Our state of the art calendaring system will make your planning and the college coaches’ planning easy. Let…...

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